Last sunday Mr Ahmad Zaiyan was in Singapore for a job related visit and I was to meet him at the hotel to collect some ole2 dari Vietnam unfortunately I am a bit shy *wink*... so bro in law Saat went to collect them on my behalf.I did speak to Zaiyan and he sounded very nice and a man of few words too.
Here are the munchies that dear Mulan send for me through her hubby:)Mulan thank you I like the ginger pieces a bit hot but good for the gas.....haha
Mulan from the bottom of my heart terima kasih banyak-banyak di atas pemberian hadiah2 ini....suka dgn bag and bracelet.Your gifts are too much compared to what I gave you and the children.
From not knowing who is on the other end we managed to become friends through the blogland by visiting their cyber homes.I am glad I have so many friends now and hope our friendship will live as long as it can be.So far I have met maklang,kaklady,Sya,Norabella and our novelist Noraisah A Bakar.
Maklang chat with me everynight thru'YM and her children too chat with me and from maklang I have 4 new nephew and nieces added to my own big circle.....hehe...infact we are like a big happy family...betul tak maklang?
Not forgetting kak lady who also YM and sms me whenever she can...kak lady I ni macam kak long pulak kan?
On the 2nd of May another friend of the blogland will get to meet my nephew and with him I have packed a few items for this wonderful bubbly lady and her children too.....will get the story when my nephew get back to sg.
Moral of the story we should cherish our friendship where ever and whenever we can:)
To give and to receive doesn't mean it has to be big and expensive most important its the thought that counts.No matter how small or cheap never compare be thankful always!!
till my next entry.......
Labels: Friends