Puan Noni Marsuki
SINGAPORE : Four teachers have received the President's Award, the highest honour for teaching in Singapore, for their commitment to their work.

Labels: General
Eldest and working in healthcare industry.Love my siblings and my many nephews and nieces..live in Singapore.
Labels: General
I've been tagged by Opah De .......
Labels: General
Heavy rain yesterday causes this flood in certain areas in sg and partly because of the high tide too.
Labels: coretan/recipe
Saya fikir banyak yg suka mendengar cerita-cerita seram yg berlaku di sekiling kita kan?Selama saya bekerja di hospital ada juga cerita yang aneh berlaku ....woowoo....
Labels: cerita....
Another weekend is here again and that means homework to do ...aaaarrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhh!!!
Labels: coretan/recipe
Labels: Family
Pening??bukan kepala pening yah tapi pening dengan apa nak masak untuk makan malam.....hahaha ......
My dinner very simple asal tak cerewet .... no vege some more .... prefer just like this dgn nasi panas-panas....bismillah....syiok and sedap sekali:)
I am having one of them later....yum yum magnolia ice cream ............ maklang nak?sedap tau:)
Sempat beli duku-langsat juga dan manis .......
Ini lah masakan org berkerja tak banyak lauk nya tapi syukur alhamdulillah ada juga yg hendak di makan.
Maklang sorry smlm I KO very early jam 9.00 mlm dah zzzzzzzzzz terlampau penat dah badan pun tak gitu sihat.
Pagi ni rasa ok dan waktu pergi kerja hujan lagi tapi tak lebat sangat....dingin betul cuaca di sg minggu ni.Malam tido tak payah beraircond dah sejuk dan tarik selimut lagi esp bila subuh2 tu susah nak bangun.
Bila ada kesempatan akan membuat entry yg panjang lebar.
till my next entry..............
Labels: coretan
Hujan masih belum berhenti lagi ... sang mentari cuma dapat bercahaya sekejap sahja hari ni dan hujan turun lagi.Cuaca agak sejuk ;) apa lagi kami di dlm dgn aircond mak oi lagi sejuk.Hari ni walaupun cuaca tak elok tapi kami tetap sibuk sepanjang hari,berkerja tak berhenti sampai waktu lunch.Bermacam health screening yang datang dari visa to australia,work permit for foreigners sampai ke offshore medical.Tangan ku tak berhenti membuat audiometry and ecg dan memberi suntikan ... lenguh dan penat.
Dah besar si Will dan dah pandai senyum lagi ni tengah di layan olih daddy nya.
How about this pose? cute kan? ..... wow Will biru nya mata .... wak nak pinjam bolih? bila agak nya kita dapat bersua ni akan ku cium2 pipi mu sampai merah ...... hehehehe ......
Entry kali ni agak sikit ringkas teramat letih dan otak tak bolih nak masuk idea apa yg nak di tulis.
till my next entry...................
Labels: General and Food.
Today I am writing about wet..wet day.The last few days we have nothing but rain and it doesn't fall but it pours cats and dogs.
This oven went on strike since last year and I am yet to repair it .... maybe soon so I can do my baking again .......
and I very much want to do something like this ..... cupcakes,muffin and all.
It has been a quiet week for me at home as I am home alone,my father gone to Jakarta for a week.No cooking at all most time just buy on my way home but tomorrow I may just cook something simple for myself and since father is not home the sisters won't be coming too.
Hmm...... what shall I cook eh .... ok ok ok inspiration will come in the morning:)
Update 11am Sunday 19th ......
As I said last nite inspiration did appear sunday morning and it's to try ayam serai maklang.Itot this answer to your question whats cooking today?
Its easy to cook only I used cili boh instead of the ones she recommended cos I was too lazy to walk down to the shop.
till my next entry.................
Labels: coretan
When one gets older we will be facing lots of unanswered questions especially singles like me.Now I can look after my father but who will look after me when the time comes?Can my siblings and family do that for me?Its everyone guess!!
Labels: PONDER
We meet again on this sunday afternoon .... oh wow how the days just go by rite?
Labels: coretan/recipe
See this pretty thing hanging at my kitchen window?Hey thats my sun-catcher .... I did it myself along with my nieces.A few years ago maybe abt 3-4 yrs ago I was crazy buying these and then had it painted.It was very interesting the girls soon found out and want to help too so everyone did their share by colouring and I think I did about 50 of those.I gave some to Kay my friend to bring home to Perth and have it hang in her garden. The nieces also took some back to hang at their houses and these are whats left and over the years the colours are getting faded too.Maybe I need to buy more and start colouring again:)
The sun-catcher hanging at my kitchen window.
Of late I am getting uninvited guest in the kitchen stealing my fruits and food away when we are not looking.Who else its the birds .... its a black bird with yellow beak .. is it a crow or mynas.Father been keeping the window closed most time when I am at work,but when I am home on sundays I like my kitchen to be bright and airy.
Need to keep window open when I need to hang the washing too and when I am cooking ...biar neighbours all can smell the beutiful aroma coming from my kitchen..... esp on a sunday.
Many a times my apples and other fruits been attacked by him habis berlubang and one day he was trying to fly away with my begedil but I guess the begedil was too heavy and fell ...... ish geram betul si burong hitam ni.So I can't leave food around uncovered when he smells it he will come and try to steal them.
A friend told me that she too has problem with pigeons always nesting at her aircond outside the window leaving his droppings everywhere and lately has become bold and fly into the sitting room.So the solution is by putting these ..............
I bought 2 of these and 2 for her from neighbourhood shop and alhamdulillah whole day yesterday he dares not come in ........ agak my father gor a fright when he came back last nite because one of them in the fruit basket!!!
Maklang tetamu yg tak di undang tu si burong hitam ................ hehehe
Baby Will is 1 month old .... kejap aje dah besar kan?
till my next entry....................
Labels: coretan
Yes I am home alone today,father has gone for a drive up to Johor with bro in law.He left early before I was up...... hehe.....don't need to wake up early mah so bolih tido lebih sikit
Labels: General and Food.