Today I am writing about wet..wet day.The last few days we have nothing but rain and it doesn't fall but it pours cats and dogs.
Yesterday as I was about to leave for work at 8.15am it suddenly pours with strong wind and I had no choice but to walk in the heavy rain to the train station which is just 5 minutes away.By the time I got there my shoes were soaking wet and I felt urgggggghhhhhhhhh.My back too was wet and after all the drying of my hair after shower it got wet again by the rain bbbrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Lucky I always keep a pair of sandal at work so the whole of yesterday I was in my scholl sandal.Inspite of the rain the clinic was still crowded and busy:(
Today the weather was fine when I left for work but an hour later the sky turn dark and again it is a wet wet wet day.My plan of going to J.East to buy the muffin cases was cancelled instead I just go to the supermart and bought fruits and took the cab home.
Whole afternoon I was hoping the rain will stop so I can do my washing and have them hang outside to dry but the weather was not on my side.Nevertheless I did my washing and hang them indoors on condition I don't do any cooking so tonite no dinner just fruits diet only.
I guess it must be raining too in malaysia eh?Apahal ngan maklang and family kat pulau redang tu agak nya?hopefully kat sana tak hujan.
So when its wet outside this is where I hang my clothes.....
Sometimes I will just dry them in the dryer above and it takes about an hour for a 4kg load to fully get dry and sometimes even longer for the heavier loads.
This Hoover dryer is as old as this apartment same goes as rest of the appliances .... 12 yrs old.
This oven went on strike since last year and I am yet to repair it .... maybe soon so I can do my baking again .......
and I very much want to do something like this ..... cupcakes,muffin and all.
It has been a quiet week for me at home as I am home alone,my father gone to Jakarta for a week.No cooking at all most time just buy on my way home but tomorrow I may just cook something simple for myself and since father is not home the sisters won't be coming too.
Hmm...... what shall I cook eh .... ok ok ok inspiration will come in the morning:)
Update 11am Sunday 19th ......
As I said last nite inspiration did appear sunday morning and it's to try ayam serai maklang.Itot this answer to your question whats cooking today?
Its easy to cook only I used cili boh instead of the ones she recommended cos I was too lazy to walk down to the shop.
kitchen.I just garnish with garden peas to make it more colourful.
The weather today is beautiful - sunny and bright so all flags(washings) flying outdoor:)thank goodness for that as there's a perkahwinan at next block.I am washing my bedsheets and towels so hope it will remain sunny till afternoon.
till my next entry.................
Labels: coretan
Kak Elle,
Seluar merah tu mengancam lah Kak Elle. Pinjam boleh? :D
Salam Kak Elle,
You know here in UK although it is summer, it's raining all the time. Tapi rain di sini hanya drizzles. Seldom dapat heavy rain.
I pun ada intention of getting a tumble dryer. Selalunya bawa pergi kedai untuk kering-kan. Costly jugak.
that red pants I bought at a rejected stall for S$5/- few years ago pakai once a while aje...takut lembu kejar....hahahaha
the hoover dryer I bought for S600/- 12 yrs ago.A good investment for wet days...hehe
salam kak elle..
all this while i've been a silent reader of your lovely blog..tapi hari ni rasa macam nak tinggal komen ;)
We in Brisbane so LOVE rain kak elle..sebabnya kat sini kemarau benar dah..siap kene catu2 air when the forecast says tomorrow's gonna rain we go 'yeyyy!!' eventho my baju kotor tu dah penuh sebakul need to be washed (kes tunggu weekend untuk buat laundry la ni).
So masak apa hari ni kak elle? =)
thank you for making an appearance finally...hahaa
I don't mind the rain if I am indoor:)mmg malas nak jln masa hujan lebat..habis basah kuyup.
Its winter now kan usually it will bring the rain..
Where are you in brisbane?been there twice once stayed at gold coast and second time stayed with friends who are studying at QUT.
Hari ni mencoba recipe maklang ...alhamdulillah turn out good:)
salam kak elle,
rindu kat hujan, dah tak ingat macamana air hujan yang lebat...
here...dry dry dry....
happy sunday !!
salam kembali rina ...wah best nya asyik gi jalan2 aje eh:)
ni lah manusia dah bagi mengeloh dan yg tiada pun mengeloh....haha
takpe masa u balik nanti kan nak musim hujan tengok lah nanti ok?
petang ni pun hujan lagi nasib baik washing dah kering.
Kak elle...kalau duduk kat umah flat camtulah ye...risau sgt klau hari asyik hujan je...
Kat rumah lady ni...bila hari panas...pagi2 dah mula mencuci...sebelum jam 3 semua dah kering...sebab kawasan rumah ada halaman yang panas.... kak elle tinggal sorang lah ye...ayam sekor tu makan dgn saper?....nampak merah & lazat...
sini pun wet wet wet... tapi syok la kak elle.. minum kopi cicah roti keras or biskut marie..
tu lah bagus nya tinggal umah compund ada halaman besar..
ayam sekor tu bagi half to Aini ...dia baru pindah rumah ..lagi tonggang langgang macam tongkang pecah:)she bought a pent house ada 5 rooms atas bawah and cantik sekali.
oh kopi cicah biskut lama tak buat gitu:)
agak SEA musim hujan sana sini banjir.
Kak Elle, teringat kat sorang ex-colleague dulu. Dia suka jemur baju kat luar & bila hujan, dia called hubby dia untuk angkat, bila hujan berhenti dia called lagi suruh keluarkan. Hari2 macam gitu. I heran sungguh...ingatkan betapa sabarnya hubby dia..rupanya hubby dia marah2 tapi dia tak peduli,buat bodoh jer called. Katanya dia pernah jemur baju selama seminggu sebab nak pastikan baju2 kering dengan panas mentari! Apa punya sewel lah pompan tu..
hubby dia dok rumah tak kerja ke?
Azi pun teringin nak buat cupcakess... suka comel2..
Kak Elle kibar kan kain baju..disini sibuk kibar kan jalur gemilang...hihiih
ohoho... rainy season there? Here too! We hang our laundry by the heater.
hohoho...teringin nak buat tu cupcakes:)
haha...kibar jalur gemilang 50th anniversary.
how big is the heater? nak komen ayam masak serai...
ayam tu kena potong kecik2 lebih kurang 2 inci x 2 inci, kalau besar camtu nanti rasa serai tak menyerap...jadik rasanya kureng le...and kena goreng sampai serai dia kering sangat...
lupe nak beritau...redang was so sunny and breezy...cuma malam tadi aje ujan..sedih kot sebab kami nak balik...
tapi kak...memang best kat sana...and i was thinking of yu jugak kat sana...and i bought something for you as well..apalagi kalau bukan fridge magnet!
kak elle, just came back from Paris - the first two days we had glorious sunshine but it rained on the last day and the rain followed us back to London. Sigh! but we had a nice time.
ayam tu ok rasa nya sedap cuma termasin sikit...habis pun....hahaha
ok next time buat macam tu:)
best lah tak hujan kat sana....oh ada hadiah juga eh?
kak teh...
oh ke Paris rupa nya?ingin nak kesana lagi bershoppingggggggggg....hahaha
hujan sana sini nampak nya.
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