On duty.....
I am on duty at home 24 hrs a day as private nurse ..... hehehe.... to a special patient non other my father.He is still in pain and you can see the bruises more obvious today compared to yesterday....I can imagine how painful it is for him....every movement is just too painful.
Today he didn't sleep as much but when he sits on his chair he will just doze off and then talking to himself...I stayed at the dining table doing my ebilling and keeping an eye at him.He still doesn't want to eat which is sad .... anyway today my kitchen is smokeless .... I ate leftovers and only tonite I fried rice for dinner...My sisters Ram and Aini came to visit after work so fried rice it is for them.
Father is still unsteady when he walks infact he was swaying so one has to be behind him incase he falls again.I try and snap a picture of his bruised hand tomorrow if he allows me.
My sis Maria called from the states but he was asleep and I don't want to disturb him and Maria will call him tomorrow morning instead and talk to him.
This morning I was cleaning the drawers in the kitchen and .......
In between doing my billings I also managed to knit this pinkie booties and by afternoon I had a set done......
My father still need me to help him to sit up and when he is getting up from the bed and my poor back still aching so since I can't massage my back by myself I use my ..........
I am praying hard that tomorrow will be a better day for him and for me and for everyone else....I need to go down to have a hair cut in the morning and please doa for my dad's good health yah?
Managed to snap this picture this morning at around 8.40am when he just got up and sitting on his chair...... just picture yourself how painful it is with every move .......
till my next entry..............
Labels: General
Kesian akak...tak pe kak...lepas bapak dah sihat, boleh lah relax sikit. You have to take care of yourself as well...
saya dapat bayangkan kepenatan akak... our doas will always be with u...
tak pa akak... banyak pahala jaga bapak sendiri... dan kasih sayang akak dengan belaian akak utk dia..sejukkk hati dia ada anak mcm akak..
apa ni... dalam penat pun sempat mengait!! terrer betul la akak ni! :0)
mungkin saya ni byk sangat complain ye?tak lah penat sgt cuma saya kena alert dgn gerak geri dia takut jatuh lagi maklum lah masih very wobbly bila berjalan...
mmg berpahla menjaga ibu bapa sendiri kan?sudah kewajipan kita sebagai anak2 menjaga mereka...
simah I am doing 3 things at same time...buat ebilling(skg di bayar)hehee...mata dan telinga attention to bapak and penat buat billing mengait kejap....terrer kan?
Kak Elle:
Sorry to hear about your Dad. Tak gunakan wheelchair dulu ke sementara nak sembuh? So that he doesn't have to walk. Macam Arwah Bapak I dulu , sampai satu tahap dah immobile, nasib baik ramai anak cucu keliling boleh papah - but eventually wheelchair bound juga.
Take good care of him and yourself too. It's heartwarming to hear how lucky your Dad is with all the care from anak-anak.
Wishing a speedy recovery for your Dad & K.Elle too.
Mesti you risau about your dad kan? Kena monitor constantly, till he's back to his normal self.
Take care of yourself!!!
It's good deeds kak. Waktu lapang Allah beri tenaga ,"kerja" dan pahala. Bagus U-zap tu. Wishing you'll soon have good health and happy always.
ish...lama pulak tak der birthday wish lam blog ni..pelik ler pulak rase...hehehe... wishing a speedy recovery of ur dad
MA ..
TQ...he wants to walk "stubborn kot"...he is able to walk actually only a bit wabbly when he gets up..maybe in time it will be wheele chair to the rescue.
We are pursuading him to come with us to KL afterall the rooms we bookes are with butler bolih lah dia org tolong jaga kan...haha
yes risau juga nanti kalau I dah mula kerja..sementara bolih lah I monitor dia...
Hope your children semua dah sembuh ye?
yes the uzap very good bergegar satu badan....hehehe
bro jin...
ada b'day wishes maybe u miss lah...skg buat kecik2 bila dapat award tu baru bolih letak besar sikit...hehe
and thank u for the wishes too:)
aduishh...seram sy tgk bruises tu,tentu sakit sgt tu.moga ur dad cepat sembuh.
ahaks' nie tgh eksesis jari jemari utk CNY hehe *winks*
kak elle,ape citer laks ngan novel2 tu,da abis baca?.hehe asyik mengait jer.
salam kak elle.
nak hulur salam kenal pun rasanya dah selalu "kenal" your ID in maklang's blog :)
judging by the picture, it looks like your dad is in teribble pain. kesian dia..hopefully he will get better soon, insyaAllah.
p/s: I see that you knit. I also love to knit but now dah rest sekejap..I never attempted to knit booties, the other day dah nak start tapi belom kick-off lagi asyik2 tunda and tunda!
you have a good day and take care!
tak pegang lansung novels tu..ntah bila agak nya bolih mula eh:)
terima kasih sudi singgah dan salam berkenalan juga:)
booties very easy to knit straight fwd...
mmg sakit bila dia move..kira2 left side mmg out of action...I kena papah on his right to help him up on his feet.
Ouch, the bruises look really bad.
I hope your father gets better soon so he can enjoy the KL holiday. Speaking of which .... nanti I confirm if I can meet up with you. We haven't finalised our plans for the long CNY holiday. Nervous ni nak jumpa Kak Elle Glamour Blogger!
Aduh Kak Elle... That's a bad bruise... I can imagine how painful your dad is going thru... The fall really hit him bad... Hopefully, your dad will recover very soon...
seeing is believing kan?meeting place KLCC sat after 4pm...surely hope we can meet up...maklang pun ada tau:)
he must have tumbled few steps and also old ppl have delicate bones.
Wishing bapa kak elle cepat sembuh dan di permudah kan segala urusan kak elle.
terima kasih:)
Teruk jugak nampak lebam kat tangan bapak akak tu, harap berkurangan sakitnya dalam masa terdekat, InsyaAllah. Kalau akak dekat I pun boleh tolong urut tangan akak... take care !!
satu hari dia baring aje today..agak sakit kalau nak bergerak turun naik katil kan?
saya tak nak urut tangan saya nak urut belakangggggggggg
Hope Tok Nani feels better soon. Our thoughts are with him.
Kak Elle, teruk juga bruises dia.. hope he is getting better soon.
thats what we all hoping for..he's not an easy person..
aha thats how much he is suffering....need lots of patient on my side:)
akak..i tried calling ur handphone today but no answer. is everything ok over there?
ur dad's bruise looks extremely painful..kesian betul kat dia... dah tua dan in so much pain... our doas for him always...
Kak elle...teruknya lebam kat lengan bapak kak elle tu...dah okay ke? Harap2 akan segera sembuh...
Sempat jugak mengait ye...hehehe...rajin ah akak ni...
there was 2 missed calls but tak recognise the number so didn't call back...sori eh:)
He is difficult today simah
hari ni susah menjaga dia... baca lah n3 saya yg terbaru.
buat 3 kerja kaklady nursing,billing and knitting....hehehe
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