Another week gone by and soon we will be in the month of december .... oh wow how the time flies rite?
How issit when its sunday morning these eyes of mine just refuse to sleep again when I don't need to go to work ..... ggggrrrrrrrrrrr
I was awake at 4.30am and couldn't go back to sleep again ... I did everything that need to be done and off to the market at 8.30am a bit late today no doubt but it wasn't that bad not that crowded.Managed to buy all the stuff that I needed and was home by 9.30am.
After cleaning all the wet stuff I begin to cook my chicken rendang .... yes Simah akak masak rendanggggggggg ...... hehehe whilst waiting for the rendang to simmer I cook the dessert and thats pengat pisang dah lama tak masak pengat pisang.Instead of plain white rice I decide to make tomato rice which is so simple just throw everything in the rice cooker and it will be done in 20 minutes.
Somehow I am in the mood TER rajin kot this morning after cleaning the prawns decide to cook that too instead of keeping them in the freezer afterall next sunday can buy again....hahaha
By 11.30am my meals for sunday are done and since I had no breakfast I had an early lunch at 12noon ... it is so yummyliciousssssssssss *tak org lain nak puji...masuk bakul angkat sendiri lah kita*....hehehehe
Nasi tomato
Udang goreng curry.
I am thankful for the food thats laid in front of me ..... ameen.......
Some recipe available here ...... cuba lah sayang ok?
till my next entry.........................
Labels: Recipe
ermmmm...yummy...jgn lupa yer...bwk lah sikit utk i nie....sedap seh...blum mkn lagi nie....tgk ur foods meleleh air liur i k....waiting tmrw....he,he,he tak malu sey....pedulik apa....
Kak Elle,
As always, your sambal udang looks so good.... Did you cook the sambal udang for the rest of the week?
insya'allah nanti i bring some to work and we have it for lunch.
that udang only for sunday given some to my brother who came and some of the rendang and rice too.
comelnya baby will..!! geram..!!
the food...!!!! so so yummy, thanx for sharing.. he he balik ni i will sure beli semua for few months kot, then only baru start masak.. ha ha..
Helena dah agak dah.... datang sini mesto terliuq.... hehe... your dishes look so tempting and mouth watering, kak elle....
nanti nak jenguk2 recipe kak elle...
Kak elle...lady jarang masak udang kari...selalunya mesti buat sambal...atau sesekali masak lemak cili padi dengan telur...
Nasi tomato tu nampak sedap...hari tu lady buat warna dia merah...
Last entry nampak will dah besar ye...comel sgt...heheh...4 bulan? tapi macam dah 6 months
Tenguk gambar makanan ni .. berbunyi perut sya.. dah 12.45 dah .. 15 minutes more for lunch .. laparrrrrrr
haha bila balik nanti masak puas2 tau?
so dah confirm bila balik?
makanan cuma appear on weekends and public holiday only...other days eat leftovers or buy from outside:)
ok masuk dapurkakelle lepas tu kena ler masak kan family.
cuba lah sesekali gorengkan ngan curry powder and lebikan cili lagi power tau:)
Nasi tomato tu saya kurangkan tomato paste dia kalau tak nanti masam sikit dan terlalu merah pulak mungkin susu cair membuat nya pinkish.
Yes Will dah besarkan? and hensem macam papa dia:)
lain kali masuk lepas lunch lah .. tak rasa lapar nanti:)
Kak elle,
Salam perkenalan. Asyik dok jalan2 ke sini agak malu utk meninggalkan comment :)
Tapi tengok rendang ayam punya pasal, meleleh air liur, kena jugak leave comment ni :)
pengat pisang tu.... awwwwwww...
saya kalau teringin sangat saya selalu pakai pisang, sugar n cream ajer.. sagu i love tapi tak ader...pisang? ala pakai pisang from colombia tu ajer....
suka la tuuuuuu nak mengteliurkan orang tu hehehe
salam berkenalan juga:)apa nak malu kita sesama manusia kan?
I pun masuk juga to your site tapi lama tak update ni dah balik active ke?
rendang ayam tu senang nak buat cek my dapur kakelle ada recipe nya...cuba lah.
itu aje ke pisag yg ada kat sana?masak aje ngan santan and brown sugar kan jadi pengat....
memang I suka sakat orang di turkey dgn godaaan masakan kak elle vogue ni....hahahahaha
bukan orang kat turkey aje terliur, orang kat sini pun sama...
org kerteh kan terrer memasak:)mana bolih terliur....hehehe
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