Another parcel....
I received another parcel today actually it arrived yesterday and since I was at the hospital the delivery guy left a note under my door and I called the skynet company and arranged for another delivery thats today.
Any orders?? cepat-cepat sebelum kedai maklang tutup mengambil tempahan lagi ..... hahaha
Atok went for a repeat chest xray this afternoon re his pneumonia unfortunately being saturday I was unable to get a report.He is very chatty today but then after dinner he complains of SOB so now he is on oxygen again....atok bila nak baik ni?....macam suka aje duduk kat hospital:)He asks how long has he been in hospital??? he lost count of the days too....ada satu patient cina di sebelah nya yg suka buat strip-tease show(tidak sengaja tau)...tanggalkan seluar dah tu diaper nya lucut ke buku lali ..... adoi pek what are you doing lah?????..... kesian nurses yg bertugas.
till my next entry.................
Labels: Birthday/gifts and atok.
Kasi hadiah tu nak suruh guna lah letak teko dalam lacik jugak???
Hope Atok will recover soon...
maklang kena cari teapot yg canggih untuk that special cover...nanti senang sikit nak cari lah.....china bone ke....hahaha
Sweet nyerrr teapot cover tu.
Macam2 kerenah kat hospital kan. Semuga Atok cepat sembuh...
sweet teapot cover from a sweet lady to a sweet b'ay girl....hahaha
insya'allah atok akan sembuh cuma one problem dia masih belum mau bergerak lagi...adoiiiiiiiiiiiii
Kak Elle..
When is yr birthday?I would like to wish you happy birthday in advance..takut nanti terlupa lak..
Wau..nice present from mak langkan..cantik..
few more days to go and thank you for the wishes too:)
kerja tgbn maklang mmg class gitu kan?
Kak elle, banyaknya entry miss. kat rumahni pun one after another kena.
Semoga atuk lekas sembuh.
Laaa dah nak birthday kak elle...I ni kaki pelupa... cantiknya hasilkerja maklang...memang class !!
Eehhh kena tutup mata bila lalu sebelah that chinese patient....lucu pulak :)
Kak elle...harap2 atok cepat sembuh & boleh balik rumah...memang penat bila kene berulang alik dari rumah ke hospital...tapi harap2 kak elle sihat selalu dan lebih tabah...takpelah kak...apek sebelah tu boleh menghiburkan...heheheh...gelak lady kak elle cerita pasal apek tu...
Cantik hadia maklang tu...dia memang rajis dan berseni...
take care anak2 sakit ibu bolih jaga tapi kalau ibu dah sakit susah tak org nak jaga..papa jauh sgt mungkin kena import so korean hero lak...hehe
ala dah tua dah tapi happy juga bila kekawan semua ingat...hahaha
Mr Tan sebelah bapak rupa nya dah separuh senile baru hari ni dpt berborak ngan anak dia...hari ni aje 3 kali dia cabut neele dr lengan dia ... kesian staff on duty.
mmg harapan kami semua atok cepat sembuh...dah 3 minggu di hospital..
apek sebelah tu kesian kaklady .. dia tak tau apa yg dia buat dah sikit nyanyuk.
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