Rambang mata ...... its difficult rite when we can't control ourselves?
Everyday since last week I've been passing by this little cart peddler at the basement of my working place at JP(I work in a shopping centre in the west)and been eyeing this little bag.What attracted me was the 'cat' maklum lah I was born in the tiger year and even though its a leopard I just couldn't resist buying it:) so last saturday finally I decide to get it after few`days of hesitation....alahai bag yg berlambak dlm almari tak terpakai ni beli lagi....kalau dah rambang mata tu semua nampak mmg nak.
How do you find it cute rite? and the features really look real.Its of soft velvet and its the only set!
I also bought cheezy fries along with buddy meal of 4 chickens and coleslaw and mashed potatoes for both of us.Once in a while its ok to eat junk food ... can't think of anything else to buy for dinner.
The minute I got home I called the speed post company to enquire about the parcel that I posted for maklang and family.I posted it on the 16th May and up to date they haven't receive it yet!! and I paid for speed post and was told they will get it with 3-4 days ... but its been 6 days now!!!.....well the officer who answered my call is very polite and know how to tackle my problem.She had checked after giving her my registered number for the parcel and she told me the parcel already arrived at the distribution centre and that must be KL I guess but how come it takes so long to get it send to Trengganu??? eh maklang ntah2 parcel tu kena hijack tak?ok I just hope it will get there by thursday as I've explained to the officer.Sabar ye maklang and family esok hopefully sampai lah parcel tu.
8 more days before my departure for the europe holiday and I hope I can get to an internet whilst I am away so I can at least update with short entry.In the case I can't just have to wait till I get back in sg ok?
till my next entry..............
Labels: General
Kak elle...that cheesy fries waters my mouth...sedapnya...
Wah!! Beg kak elle 'mengaum' dah kali ni...hehehe
8 hari lagi...mesti tak sabar tu kak elle...tido pun rasa tak lena...jgn lupakan kami nanti...hehehe
Yeayyy!!!!! First...!!!!
yeah u first tapi takde hadiah lah....hehe
tido tak lena mandi tak basah....haha....tidak lah kak lady macam biasa cuma nak pergi lama ni kesian pulak bapak sorang kat rumah dan juga akan rindu pada semua kawan blogger.
Aiyaa jelesnya I kak elle ada handbag 'sexy' tu !!
Nak pergi jalan , takpelah kak elle pergilah melancong, bukan datang selalu peluang besar macam ni, ayah kak elle adalah orang jaganya nanti....
EEiii entah-entah parcel tu dah sampai kat Amman..... :P
cute kangauman si leopard tu sampai jordan bolih dengar....haha
mmg peluang ni cuma kan sekali aje kalau menolak lom tau dpt offer macam ni lagi kan?
kalau parcel sampai kesana u simpankan maklang lah pulak ye....hehe
budak2 tak sabar menungguparcel tu..asyik tanya aje
maklang ....
tu lah I pun tak faham kalau speed pos sampai seminggu baik pos ordinary aje next time...
budak2 ke mak budak yg menunggu parcel?....hahaha
hi, the mexican called the chicken in tortilla dish,quesadilla (pronounced keh-sah-Dee-yah|) very easy to make, goggle it:)
Have a great trip and send photos.
how are you?ok here the promo is called BBQ cheezy meltz.
John & Maria left for Sweden last nite to pick their new volvo and will be driving around down to Paris stopping in Rhineland,Versailles before going for the French open.We will meet in Lucerne ,Switzerland and stay in same hotel THE ASTORIA.
photos will be posted when I get back in mid June.
Wah..real punye beg ni!
Kak Elle, jgn lupa amik gmbr byk2...
Kak Elle pernah stay US kan?Which area yg ok,selamat?
Kak Elle, I love the bag!!! Kat sini takde la..hehehe...
Cheeze melt is my favourite. Cheezy melt sana nampak sama... tapi tak berapa sama... dgn kat sini:)
wah.. cepatnyer kak elle dah nak g tour.. mcm baru je baca akak punya itenary ari tue..
kak, pls send my belated birthday wish to huda.. tq..
Wow ... the bag ... tak takut ke bawa harimau gi jalan-jalan, Kak Elle? Hehehe.
Now you've made me crave for something cheesy pulak .....
I don't stay in states but been there 3 times...kalau nak ikut byk tempat pun tak selamat:)but so far I was there ok aje...cuma in the evening tu masa kat LA they nasihatkan jgn jln kat the red area...san francisco ok juga cuma bila mlm byk beggars tido kat kaki lima and bus stops...ada yg mengorek tong sampah cari makanan org buang...San Antonio,Houstan and Lafayette in Lussianna ok juga but not New orleans byk pergaduhan antara pak hitam...nani nak pergi ke?
bag for sale!! highers bidders accepted...hahaaa
nice rite but its the only one they have so I was lucky no buyers for the whole week when it was displayed....and they have the same design for a handluggage...cantik:)
cepatkan masa berlalu?
I think Huda read my blog so she prob can read your msg tu.
berjalan ngan harimau ni macam body guard lah konon nya....hehe
go get your cheezy meal now...
Kak Elle .... sebab kempunan something cheesy after reading this entry semalam, today for lunch I had beef lasagna at Delifrance. Makan sorang-sorang aje tapi enjoy sebab dapat cheese. Hehehe :D
nape tak ajak I bolih kita makan sama2 .....I pun minat cheesy2...nak yg panas2 ...next time I kat KL we meet up and eat till our heart content ok?
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